Our Blog


It’s That Time of Year Again

It’s that time of year again…..

February is national dental health month. 

Does your pet have bad breath?

Unfortunately, most pets do and this is not normal. The foul odor you smell is caused by an infection in their mouth. … Read the rest

Increase in Heartworm Positive Cases

We are seeing a large increase in heartworm positive dogs in the last few months.  Nearly every case that we see is directly related to owners forgetting to give the heartworm preventative they are purchasing or opting out of giving … Read the rest

Common pet toxins and hazards

With the holidays quickly approaching, I wanted to discuss some common toxins and general hazards to be aware of during this time.  Many of the items on this list are well known while others may be a surprise. 

Common Hazards:Read the rest

Veterinary Websites by InTouch Practice Communications

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